King Arthur’s Knights.

Another neglected area of research is probing into the real identity of King Arthur II knights.

This is actually quite simple and straight forward matter.

His closest companion was Bedwyr ap Pedrog is clearly Sir Bedivere, who is listed in the Songs of the Graves as buried in the large grave mound on the Steep at Dindryfan.

Another relative Cynfarch Oer had three sons in Owen (Sir Owain), Arawn (Sir Agravaine) and Llew (Sir Leoline).

Llew means a Lion. Llew who married on of Arthur II five sisters had sons named as Gwalchmai –Hawk of May who figures as Sir Gawaine or Wallwayne, and Modred who needs no introduction.

Llywarch Hen (the Aged) figures as Sir Lamorak, and the enemy of King Arthur who was King Mark has been identified by scores of writers as King Mark also known as March, and in Brittany where he fled after the comet strike of AD 562 he was known as Count Comorre and as Conomurus. Arthur’s Bishop Bedwini is remembered by the Bedwin Sands off the Gwent Coast.

Modred son of Llew rebelled against Arthur II around 569, and was defeated and killed. There was a second Medrawd-Modred who was a son of St Caurdaf the son of Caradoc Brawny Arm (Ffreichfras).

Caradoc Brawny Arm was a brother of Queen Onbrawst the mother of Arthur II, and so Medrawd the son of St Caurdaf was the son of Arthur II’s first cousin.

Arthur II kept the second Queen Gwenhwyfar in the old mansion house at Llaniltern- correctly Llan Ail -Teyrn or Church (Holy Estate) of the Alternative Monarch.

For most of his life Arthur II was not King as his father King Maurice lived to a great age, perhaps near 100. So Arthur was what we might call a co-King or a Viceroy.

This is borne out by the Nennius’ Histories of AD 822 that state that “when Arthur fought most of his battles he was not yet King”.

Anyway, St Caurdaf’s monastery is marvellously preserved and still in the woods at Miskin less than two miles from Llaniltern where the young queen lived. There is a wood halfway between Caurdaf’s monastery and Llaniltern mansion called Llwyn Medrawd where the two young lovers used to meet.

Foolishly they decided to elope and they fled far off to Meigle near Perth in Scotland and when in the 1890’s a survey was made of all the Parish old tales in Britain the stories of Llaniltern and of Meigle 500 miles away in Scotland were found to be identical.

The King pursued the eloping pair to Meigle and there is an ancient stone there with the scene of a woman tied to a stake to be burnt alive, and she is being attacked by dogs whilst knights look on.

Another figure is shown hiding in bushes at the left hand bottom corner. Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett published all this in detail in 1986, and the American Norma Goodrich plaguarised their work slanting the story ridiculously towards Scotland. However all the bits and pieces are in place and when the Llaniltern Church was being repaired in circa 1790 the Gwenora stone was found there.

The point is again that there is evidence that shows that the basic tales about King Arthur II are provable correct.

Work was done to identify others of the fabled Round Table of Arthur’ds knights. His close friend Bewdyr ap Pedrog or Sir Bedivere is listed in the Songs of the Graves with a grave “on the steep at Din Dryfan” and there right on target is a large grave mound.

The only difficulty is the fact that South Wales had been declared a No Go Area that prohibits all historical researches into British History. Several others of Arthur II Knights are also traceable.

When the Normans arrived in coast areas of south west Wales around AD 1100 they were shown the grave of Gwalchmai, and they promptly tore the mound apart looking for treasure.

After that the shutters came down and English and Norman foreigners were told nothing. There was no more communication with outsiders.

The constant total negativity displayed towards all ancient British Native History and particularly towards all South East Wales History is extraordinary.

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