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copyright Alan Hassell and Alan Wilson 16 november 2010
The following is an extract from the Bruts of England (Bruts = Histories)
Many of the Barons of England were in rebellion against King John and they invited aid from the King of France who sent his son Louis over into England with an army.

So John immediately placed the castles into the hands of his foreign soldiers-aliens. In this chaos Louis was attacking castles in the South and King John was marching down from the North. His line of march is recorded and it did not go anywhere near the wash where he is supposed to have lost his treasure with the incoming tides.

Chapter CLV (155) And at the same time the Pope sent into England a legate who was called Swalo, and he was a priest Cardinal of Rome, for to maintain King John’s cause against the barons of England: but the barons had so huge a party and help from Louis the son of the King of France, that King John knew not whether to turn nor go.

And so it befell that he would of gone to Nichole, and as he went hitherward he came to the Abbey of Swyneshead, and there he abode two days. And as he sat at meal he asked a monk of the house how much a loaf of bread was worth that was set before him on the table. And the monk said it was worth but a halfpenny.

“Now” quoth the King,” and I may (leue)...., such a loaf will be worth twenty shillings (240 pence) before half a year be gone.” And when he said these words, much he thought and often he sighed, and he took and ate the bread and said, “By God the word that I have said it shall be truth.”

The monk that stood before the King for this word was full sorry in his heart, and thought rather himself suffer piteous death, and thought to ordain perform some manner of remedy. And anon (after) the monk went to his Abbot and was shriven by him and he told the Abbot what the King had said, and he prayed that the Abbot would assist him and he would give the King such a wassaile (good drink) that all England shall thereof be glad and joyfull.

So went the monk into the garden and found a great toad therein, and took her up and put her in a cup and pricked the toad through the broach many times, so that the venom came out on every side and went into the cup.

And he took the cup and filled it with good ale, and bought it before the King, and kneeling he said, “Sir”, quoth he. “Wassaile, for never days of your life drank you of such a cup.” “Begone monk,” quoth the King, and the monk drank a great draught and took the king his cup, and the King drank also a great draught, and set down the cup.

The monk anon went into the infirmary, and there he died anon, on whose soul God have mercy, Amen. And the monks went singing for his soul and shall do whilst that Abbey stands. The King rose up anon (afterwards) and full evil of ease, and commanded anon to remove the table and asked after the monk, and men told him he was dead for his womb was broken in sunder.

When the king heard these tidings he commanded for to trusse but that was for nought as his belly began to swell from the drink that he had drunk, that he died two days after Saint Luke’s day.

And this John had begotten fair children of his body, that is to say Henry his son, that was King and his father, and Richard was the Earl of Cornwall, and Isabel that was Empress of Rome and Ailenore (Eleanore) that was the Queen of Scotland. And the King John when he had reigned seventeen years and five months and five days, he died in the castle of Newark and his body was buried at Winchester. Actually King John is buried at Worcester Cathedral.

So it is fairly clear that the Cardinal from Rome had King John set up and murdered in an Abbey although he was probably removed immediately to Newark Castle in an attempt to save him. Then England was restored to peace with the young boy Henry III crowned as King of Gloucester.

The crap about Kings always being crowned at Westminister and by the Bishop of Canterbury is several times wrong. As History the tale is somewhat over brief and consequently but the story of the assassination of King John is very clear.

The fact the murderous monk was for ever after revered by the church says it all. The money flowing out from the Churches and Abbeys of England and into Rome was resumed and King John was no longer a nuisance to Rome or the Barons.

His first marriage to the Apostolic Christian Lady of Glamorgan and their daughter Joanna marrying Liewellyn the Great of North Wales is ignored, as the Church of Rome refused to recognise the Khumric Apostolic Christians founded AD 37.

The Apostolic Christians took Christianity to Rome in AD 51 and finally the British Emporer Constantine the Great allowed Christianity to be a legal religion in Rome in AD 325 just 288 years after Britain.

There never was any King John’s treasure lost in the wash as claimed by modern historians as being a true event. The story was invented as a cruel cover up to hide the fact that the Church of Rome had murdered King John and had to distance itself from the event it could never be seen to have broken its own ten commandments, Thou shalt not Kill.

The fact that this story appears in the Bruts of England is one of the reasons modern academics don’t want anyone to know about it. It is a huge embarrassment to the English Establishment too.

This is another reason the Bruts of England is such a hard book to obtain, even so academics will say, “Oh you don’t want to read that stuff,” of course they would because they have their own invented fabricated history and do not want you the public to know about real history and how it is embarrassing to them once the truth is told. The Bruts are written in old English and many changes have taken place since then, but he meanings are the same.

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