The British Kings of the Dark Ages.
The first thing that all British folk need to understand is that there were no Dark Ages in ancient Britain

The major British Kings in their fortress Kingdom in South East Wales continued from around 500 BC to AD 1300.

Wales was and is a kingdom and definitely not a ridiculous 'principality' and the political and religious campaign directed at totally obliterating all traces of ancient British History is a national disgrace.

The ancestors of the Mercian Vandals in Central England, and the Angles of the North and East Coasts, and the Saxons scattered along the South Coasts of England and inland to Middlesex, were not in Britain in any great numbers before circa 560, and as they were largely illiterate for them there were the Dark Ages before their arrival and during the early centuries.

The British over in the West of Britain were an advanced literate culture and for them there were no Dark Ages.
What the Academics in London, Oxford and Cambridge, and elsewhere cannot get into their thick heads is the provable fact that the British Line of Kings persisted right through the greatly exaggerated alleged 'Roman period' and that there never was any Roman Britain of the order they imagine, and imagine is the correct word.

It begins with the conflict of King Caradoc I, son of Arch, and the Romans in the years AD 42-51.

A battle was fought between the Romans and the British at a traceable site in South Wales, and both sides claimed a victory.

If the Romans won how is it that they were unable to enter South Wales until AD 74, good question.

King Caradoc I went up North to Queen Aregwedd Ffoedawg - Cartismandua to foreigners-to try to get her to help him clear the Romans out of Britain, but she put him in chains and handed him over to the Romans.

This embarrassed the Romans who took Caradoc I and his family to Rome where they were housed in the Palace of the British. Christianity arrived in Wales in AD 37 'the last year of Tiberius' and so the first Christians arrived in Rome.

Caradocs daughter named Claudia married Agricola, and a daughter married Ruffas Pudens of Biblical record.

The first Bishop of Rome was Linus a son of King Caradoc I.

Back in Britain Ceri Longsword the nephew of Caradoc I became King and continued fighting the Romans.

In AD 74 the Romans won a victory and entered South East Wales, and in AD 80 King Baram ejected all the Romans from Britain.

The Romans put it as -'Bonassus (Baram) usurped the empire in Britain."

How a rightful King is an usurper in his own lands is hard to understand. From then onwards until AD 125 there were no Romans in Britain apart from possible traders, and it was not until Hadrian who had no heirs, made his celebrated diplomatic visit that there was any contact.

Hadrian built a string of forts across northern England and linked them with a ditch and Pallisade fence.

Some 70 tears later the Emporer Septimus Severus, Who also lived in Britain and whose British son Caracalla succeeded him, linked those forts with a stone wall.

Read the Histories as it is Severus's Wall and not Hadrian's Wall, and if the academics cannot get that correct then what else have they muddled.

From the of Hadrian's visit to Britain the History of Britain is totally and completely different from the version invented by the Anglo Saxon writers.

They forget that Brutas was the first Consul of the Roman Republic, and that the British Kings claimed a direct descent from that same Brutas.

The British Kings continued in Britain without interruption all through the grossly exaggerated era of the alleged "Roman Britain".

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