The Ancient British Alphabet.

The tracing of the ancient British Origins can be accomplished with great certainty and the tool or weapon that allows us to trace our ancestral roots is the ancient British Alphabet and Language.

In 1846 Austin Layard discovered the archives of the ancient Assyrian Emperors' in the ruins of Nineveh.

He boxed up over 25,000 baked tablets upon which these records were written and sent them to the British Museum in London.

There some surprised staff saw that some of these ancient backed clay tablets from around 740-620 BC were inscribed in the Old British Alphabet.

This provided a link between Ancient Britain and Ancient Assyrian Iran going back over 2700 years ago.

Khumric writers publishing in AD 1797 and 1848 in 1852 and in 1906 all pointed to the near identical ancient British Coelbren Alphabet and the alleged indecipherable alphabets of the Ancient Britain Etruscan(Italy), Rhaetian (Switzerland), and Pelasgian-Aegean and Asia Minor.

The point is thathe poing is the same Alphabet is scattered all along the ancient Migration trails of our British Ancestors on their way to Britain.

The antiquity of The antiquity of the Alphabet is proven by the description of it by Julius Caesar who stated the British Alphabet was similar to the Greek.

The ancient British Alphabet is inscribed on ancient stones of between c AD 200 - 1120 in England, Scotland and Wales, and in several ancient English texts.

It is many times mentioned by Khumric writers from before AD 1367 and English Kings adopted the broad arrow cipher as the Royal and national emblem placed on all royal and government buildings and property.

The invaluable Ciphers of the ancient British Alphabet were preserved by Llewellyn Sion around 1530=1560.

It was reasoned that as the people moved Westwards from Egypt to ancient Israel, and then to Armenia/Assyria, the west through Asia Minor - Turkey, and the Aegean before splitting with half going to Italy c 650 BC, and the remaining half coming to Britain c 500 BC, then they spoke the same language en route and wrote in the same Alphabet.

There is no such nation as the "Welsh" and the correct name is the Khumry.

The ancient Assyrians identified the Ten Tribes as the Khumry.

Astonishing at it may seem no one attempted to read the "indecipherable" Etruscan, Rhaetian, Aegean and Asia Minor Pelasgian inscriptions using the ancient British Coelbren Alphabet and Khumric language before Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett did this in 1984.

These inscriptions can be read using the Khumric Language and ancient Alphabet, and the Ciphers preserved by Llewellyn Sion.

This provides indisputable proof of the accuracy of our native British Histories.

The information that emerges from these decipherments is invaluable to historians in many areas of research.

The logic is simple the British took the English Language, Alphabet, religion and culture, to America, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and many other places, the Khumry took the Khumric Language, religion and culture to Patagonia.

In the same way the Albyne migration of circa 1560 BC, and the Brutas migration of c 500 BC transferred language, writing & alphabets, religion and culture, along the migration routes and into Britain.

It's all about communication.

The information that emerges from the quite obviously correct decipherments is of huge value to the historians in many areas of study and their value of British History is incalculable.

It is quite obvious that the matter of the identity of the British-Etruscan-Rhaetian=Lemnos-Asia Minor-Assyrian-Qumran alphabet inscriptions is a huge embarrassment to the London regime and to the Church of England and Rome.

The anti British attitudes of the Political regimes of London and the Vatican in Rome are denying scholars access to much needed valuable information.

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